TRIATHLONS & DUATHLONS (age on race day)
14 years of age for our York Sprint, Super Sprint & Fun triathlons (due to a closed bike route)
14 years of age for our Birmingham Super Sprint & Fun triathlons (due to a closed bike route)
16 years of age for all other Fun, Super Sprint and Sprint distance triathlons.
17 years of age for our Olympic distance triathlons.
16 years of age for our Relay teams members up to Olympic distance.
18 years of age for our Middle, Ultimate Half and Ultimate triathlon.
You will receive an email 7 to 10 days prior to the event; this will include all of your race day information as well as your race number and start time. If you don’t receive this email, please email [email protected]. Please note we never send any race information through the post.
It is the responsibility of the competitor to contact UK Triathlon, via email or telephone no later than 5 days before the event, if they have not received their Race Day Information email.
A relay team can consist of two or three people.
Each member of the relay team completes one or two of the three disciplines in the triathlon.
The swimmer completes the swim, then the swimmer passes the electronic chip to the cyclist inside the cycle transition area.
The cyclist completes the cycle course and passes the electronic chip to the runner in the transition area.
The runner completes the run and hands in the electronic chip at the finish line.
All team members can cross the finish line together and collect their medals.
The fun and super sprint triathlon are both the same distances but the super sprint is where competitors compete for a prize whereas the fun triathlon is purely for fun without the pressure of competing for a prize.
You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of entering the triathlon. If you don’t receive anything from us this may be because the email has gone into your junk/spam folder. If you have any concerns over your entry please email [email protected].
What happens once I have entered, whether it’s online or over the phone?
Once you have entered an event, the following will happen:
Within those race notes will be all the information you will need to know about your event, from start times and your race number, to registration and course logistics.
You will pick up your race numbers and timing chip at registration on the day of the event. Registration location will be included in your race day information pack.
Your race number must be clearly displayed on your back for the bike and clearly displayed on your front for the run. Elastic number belts are permitted.
No. Unfortunately any device that is used for music is not permitted in a UK Triathlon event.
There is a minimum of one feed station on each lap of the run course.
Water and High5 energy drink will be available.
For long distance events please see Competitor Race Day Information for event specific feed station information.
There is also self service feed station located at the finish line.
Your bike must be in a roadworthy condition.
You are responsible for checking your own brakes.
Make sure your helmet fastens correctly.
Make sure your bike is ready for the event.
There will not be a cycle mechanic at the event. However there will be a SELF SERVICE CYCLE STATION located next to the registration. It has track pumps, specific cycle tools, tyre levers and a bike stand. Inner tubes will be for sale in the UK Triathlon store next to registration (subject to availability). You should however carry a spare inner tube which specifically fits your wheels.
There is no bag drop area, but you can leave a bag in the Cycle Transition Area.
Registration will be open on the Saturday before your event and early Sunday morning (except the Birmingham Triathlon, which is Friday and early Saturday morning).
Please read your Competitor Race Day Information for your specific event opening times.
Registration will be on the main arena field at all our events.
Look out for the Mornflake orange marquee, where registration will be located
You will be asked for your individual race number, which is emailed to you 7 to 10 days before your event.
At registration you will be giving your race day envelope, which includes:
You will be given an information leaflet detailing how to apply all of the above.
Please note there will be a small supply of safety pins at registration for those that have not brought their own.
Carefully read the instructions on your leaflet.
Once all the above has been done, you will be permitted entrance to the cycle transition area. Please be aware at some events you will be given a timeframe to do this in, all information regarding these times will be in your Competitor Race Day Information.
You CANNOT go into the cycle transition area without your bike or helmet stickers being applied, this is for security reasons.
Yes, all you need is two or three people to divide the disciplines between.
Choose your favourite discipline, then invite friends or family to join and complete your relay team.
All Mixed Category teams can consist of two or three people, male or female, or you can register as an all Female Team.
(Age restrictions apply)
A relay team can consist of two or three people.
Each member of the relay team completes one or two of the three disciplines in the triathlon.
The swimmer completes the swim, then the swimmer passes the electronic chip to the cyclist inside the cycle transition area.
The cyclist completes the cycle course and passes the electronic chip to the runner in the transition area.
The runner completes the run and hands in the electronic chip at the finish line.
All team members can cross the finish line together and collect their medals.
We award first place in the Female Relay Event and first place in the Mixed Category Relay Event.
All Mixed Category teams can consist of two or three people, male or female.
Official charity partners:
To sign up for one of our official charity partners, all you need to do is select one of them on your chosen events entry form.
We will then notify them of your intent to fundraise on their behalf.
They will then send you a fundraising pack direct to you. Time frame on delivery depends on the charity.
The CRUK Waves are part of all UK Triathlons pool based events.
These events are for everyone who wants to complete a triathlon at their own speed, whilst raising money for life-saving research. CRUK Wave entrants take part alongside one another encouraging each other along.
UK Triathlon donate £10 from every CRUK Wave entry back to Cancer Research UK.
The CRUK Wave is aimed at encouraging more participants, of any age, gender or ability, to unite and take on a challenge for the purpose of funding life-saving research into all 200 types of cancer. We want to encourage everyone to have a TRI!
Any age, any ability, just get together for the camaraderie and challenge, whilst raising vital funds for research.
You can, of course, raise money for the charity of your choice, maybe a cause local to you and dear to your heart, but you will need to contact them yourself to let them know you are competing on their behalf. We do not do this for you.
Whatever inspires you, tell everyone you know. Your friends, your family, your colleagues. An online fundraising page is the easiest way.
Here are a few links to online fundraising sites.
Elastic number belts are permitted, provided that they are used correctly. One number is attached to the belt, and the number is displayed on the back during the cycle discipline and worn on the front during the run section.
Elastic number belts are not compulsory but are recommended to make your transitions easier. They are available to buy at registration.
Pool based - swimsuit/trunks or a triathlon specific trisuit
Open water - swimsuit/trunks or a triathlon specific trisuit, wetsuit (please see wetsuit guidelines info).
Helmet (cycle only)
You can wear cycling or running gear that you're able to cycle and run in, or a mixture of both.
If it is cooler, you can wear long sleeves or long pants or add layers like a windproof jacket.
Optional a triathlon specific trisuit.
The UK Triathlon technical series shirt is also a good option and can be purchased at the event (subject to availability).
No, any bike can be used providing it is roadworthy.
Electric bikes can be used but the battery must be taken out during the triathlon.
Cycle helmets are compulsory for every competitor.
Your helmet must have the 'CE', 'SNELL' or 'ANSI' trademark inside it. The strap must be in working order and the helmet itself must not have any cracks on it.
For your safety and the safety of other competitors, certain items are banned during the event as well as in the cycle transition.
This includes any music, headphones, headsets, technical earplugs (including bone conduction headphones), mobile phones and personal video recording devices. You may however use your device for tracking your race i.e Strava/Garmin.
Competitors start order is based on their estimated swim time, to ensure everyone starts with swimmers of a similar ability to themselves.
Yes, no later than three weeks prior to the your event.
You can easily update your estimated swim time on your chosen events webpage.
There could be a few reasons why you aren’t starting together,
For competitors wishing to take part together, we offer a #TriTogether wave at each pool based event. Please note you are required to sign up to this wave no later than three weeks before your chosen event.
You must be pool side 15 to 20 minutes before your individual start time, so you can listen to the full Race Safety Brief.
This also allows enough time for you to join the starting line in the numerical order and await your instruction to enter the pool.
Distances where a wetsuit are compulsory include our Olympic, Middle and Ultimate/Ultimate half distances. Wetsuits are not permitted for pool based swim events.
Swim caps are optional at our pool based triathlons.
Goggles are recommended, but it is your choice.
Due to the safety of other competitors back stroke, diving and tumble turns are not permitted during the swim.
After the swim you make your way to the transition area, where you have racked your bike (prior to starting your race).
Most competitors choose to wear their swimming trunks/costume throughout the entire race under their race clothing.
The majority of competitors towel dry over their swimwear and then put on their top and shorts. However if you are not comfortable doing this, changing rooms are available poolside.
Alternatively some competitors opt to wear a tri-suit. This piece of clothing is an all in one that you swim, cycle and run in without needing to change during the event.
Every 15, 20 or 30m seconds, a competitor is started in the pool at their own individual swim start time.
Swim start times are based on the estimated swim time you provided on your entry form.
Yes. There is ample space to over take other competitors in the pool lanes.
Please note, the more accurate your estimated swim time is the less likely under/over taking is needed.
Wetsuits are compulsory for the following distances (including relays)
Wetsuits are recommended but are not compulsory for the following distances (including relays)
On the rare occasion, if extreme water temperatures are predicted, then new guidelines will be provided.
Yes. Provided that it completely covers your torso.
We ask for you to be at the swim start a full 15-20 minutes before your wave start time, so you can listen to the full Race Safety Brief.
Once you have been given your Race Safety Brief you should then be allowed to get into the water, this will get you ready for your swim and to climatise to the water temperature..
After your compulsory race brief, you will be asked to enter the water alongside your fellow competitors. This is called a wave. (Please note there can be up to 300 people in a wave).
The wave will only include competitors completing the same distance as yourself.
Depending on your swimming strength be careful where you start, if you are a strong swimmer then get to the front of the wave, if you're not so strong then find space in the water further back so you can swim at your own pace.
The race starter will instruct you to gather between the swim start buoys, once the air horn blasts, you start your swim.
When you have completed the right amount of laps for your swim course you make your way to the swim exit (this will be clearly marked).
Don't worry if you are unsure of how many laps you need to do the race brief will inform you of this.
Due to the safety of other competitors back stroke and diving are not permitted during the swim.
The cycle transition area is where your cycle is kept whilst you are swimming/running. There will be space in there for you to rack your cycle. There is also space for you to leave a bag (ideal for putting goggles or wet swim towel etc).
No. For safety & security reasons only competitors are allowed to go in to the cycle transition area.
To get in & out of the transition area with your cycle you must show the security personnel at the transition security exit/entrance the following before they will allow you to enter or leave the area with a bike;
Please ensure you collect your bike and belongings no later than 30 minutes after you have finished your race.
Presentations will take place on the day of the event, Presentation times will be announced during the event.
Prizes are awarded to the top 3 Open and Female individual competitors in the following distances:
Relay prizes are awarded to the 1st place team in the all female & all male or mixed team.
Prizes for the first place in all five year age groups are awarded to the Female & Open competitors for the following events only:
If you did not collect your prize on race day, please email [email protected] and provide your full name, postal address and race details. There is a time limit of three weeks to claim your prize.
Provisional results/times will be available to view online after the event, you will receive a email once the results are available.
If you have a query regarding your results, please email [email protected] stating which event and distance you took part in & your competitor race number.
Please note all ages displayed on the results are competitors ages on the 31st December of that race year.
On race day all lost property will be kept at either registration or the finish line.
If you notify us after the event of a missing item, & if we are able to locate it, you are responsible for any cost incurred in its return to you.
Event day photos will be available to purchase shortly after the event. You will receive an email with a link to My Sport Photos. For any photography inquiries please contact My Sport Photos directly at [email protected] or